
This renaming script uses a 4 step process for renaming objects. The order of operation is the order of the rollout: 1. Remove, 2. Find and Replace, 3. Edit Name, 4. Misc. So, for example, lets say you have an object named “My_Object_Name” The first operation applied to that name will be to remove first and/or last characters. Lets pretend the first and last values are 2. The object name would now be “_Object_Na” Next the find and replace operation is applied. Lets say “a” should be replaced with “1” The object name would now be “_Object_N1” Next the edit name operation is applied. Lets say the prefix value is “Pre_”, the suffix value is “_Suf” and the numbered mode is active with a padding of 3. The object name would now be “Pre_Object_N1_Suf0001” NOTE: If the “Base” option has a value it will wipe out the original name. So if the base value was “NewName” the object name would now be “Pre_NewName_Suf0001” Finally the misc operations are applied. It might seem overly complicated at first, but trust me, once you get used to it you can perform complex renaming operations with minimal mouse clicks.

Renamer ImageFirst: Remove the defined number of characters from the beginning of the object name.
Last: Remove the defined number of characters from the end of the object name.
Find: The characters to search for.
Replace: The characters to replace the find characters.
First Occurence Only: Replace only the first occurence of the find character string.
Clear (Find and Replace): Resets all find and replace fields.
Prefix: Adds characters to the beginning of the object name.
Base: Replaces the object name with the defined characters.
Suffix: Adds characters to the end of the object name.
Unique Mode (radiobutton): Enable to add characters to the end of the name, helping to create unique names. ‘Numbered’ mode appends i.e. ‘001’, ‘Lettered’ mode appends i.e. ‘A’, ‘None’ will not append anything. NOTE: when ‘Lettered’ mode is active and the letter ‘Z’ is reached the letters will begin to append, so the next object would receive ‘AA’, then ‘BB’, and so on.
Padding: The number of zero’s (0) to use for the ‘Numbered’ mode.
Clear (Edit Name): Resets all edit name fields.
Use Selection Order: When enabled objects will be renamed in the order they were selected.
Shorten Names >: Will shorten names that end up being longer than the defined value.
Rename: Execute the script and rename the selected objects.