Scripts For 3D Artists
Outliner Organizer
Node Types (textScrollList): Displays the different types of nodes in the current scene.
Update List: Updates the node type list.
Move To Top: Moves the selected node type to the top spot.
Move Up: Moves the selected node type up one spot.
Move Down: Moves the selected node type down one spot.
Move To Bottom: Moves the selected node type to the bottom spot.
Organize Outliner: Executes the script.
Status (text): Displays the status of the script.
Update List: Updates the node type list.
Move To Top: Moves the selected node type to the top spot.
Move Up: Moves the selected node type up one spot.
Move Down: Moves the selected node type down one spot.
Move To Bottom: Moves the selected node type to the bottom spot.
Organize Outliner: Executes the script.
Status (text): Displays the status of the script.