Scripts For 3D Artists
Bitmap Cleaner
Use this section to search for bitmaps and automatically relink them.
Directory: The directory to search for the selected bitmaps.
Include Sub Directories: When enabled sub directories will also be searched.
Search for Selected Maps: Executes the script and searches for the selected bitmaps.
Use this section to manually edit the path/name/ext of the selected bitmaps.
Mode (radiobuttons): Defines which part of the path the modify and find/replace operation will be applied to.
Modify (text): The new path/name/ext for the selected bitmaps.
Modify Selected Maps: Executes the script and replaces the path/name/ext with the new modify text.
Find: The text to search for.
Replace: The text that will replace the find text.
Match Case: Enable to perform a case sensitive search.
First Occurrence Only: Enable to replace only the first occurrence of the find text.
Find/Replace Selected Maps: Executes the script and applies the find/replace operation to the selected bitmaps.
This section contains a number of useful functions for bitmaps.
Select Missing Maps: Selects missing maps in the bitmap list box.
Export Selected Maps: Opens a directory dialog box and copies selected bitmap files to the defined directory.
Export Selected Maps and Update Scene Paths: Opens a directory dialog box and copies selected bitmap files to the defined directory. Also updates selected paths to use the export directory.
Graph Selected Maps: Graphs the selected bitmaps in the hypershade.
View Selected Maps: Opens each selected bitmap in fcheck.
Expore Selected Directory: Opens an explorer window of the bitmap directory for each selected bitmap.
Delete File Nodes Using Selected Maps: Deletes all nodes referencing the selected bitmaps.
Maps # Nodes # (text): Displays the total number of unique paths found. Also shows the total bitmap nodes found.
Bitmap List: Displays the filenames of the current bitmaps.
Select All: Selects all maps in the bitmap list.
Invert Selection: Reverses the current bitmap list selection.
Select None: Deselects all maps in the bitmap list.
Update List: Updates the bitmap list.
Status: The status of the script.
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