Scripts For 3D Artists
Bitmap Cleaner
Use this section to search for bitmaps and automatically relink them.
Directory: The directory to search for the selected bitmaps.
Include Sub Directories: When enabled sub directories will also be searched.
Search for Selected Maps: Executes the script and searches for the selected bitmaps.
Use this section to manually edit the path/name/ext of the selected bitmaps.
Mode (radiobuttons): Defines which part of the path the modify and find/replace operation will be applied to.
Affect Files When Editing (use with caution): The path/filename changes made will also affect the actual files in windows. Files can be renamed or moved, so be careful when using this option.
Modify (text): The new path/name/ext for the selected bitmaps.
Modify Selected Maps: Executes the script and replaces the path/name/ext with the new modify text.
Reset: Resets the modify fields to their default settings.
Find: The text to search for.
Replace: The text that will replace the find text. WARNING: When the find text is in the replace text only the first occurrence can be changed.
Match Case: Enable to perform a case sensitive search.
First Occurrence Only: Enable to replace only the first occurrence of the find text.
Find/Replace Selected Maps: Executes the script and applies the find/replace operation to the selected bitmaps.
Reset: Resets the find/replace fields to their default settings.
This section contains a number of useful functions for bitmaps.
Select Missing Maps: Selects missing maps in the bitmap list box.
Export Selected Maps: Opens a directory dialog box and copies selected bitmap files to the selected directory.
Export Selected Maps and Update Scene Paths: Opens a directory dialog box and copies selected bitmap files to the selected directory. Also updates selected paths to use the export directory.
Show Materials Using Maps: Places all materials using the selected bitmaps in the slate editor.
Reset Viewport Backgrounds: Removes background files from all current viewports.
Instance Same Path Bitmaps: Instances all bitmap nodes using the same file path.
View Maps: Opens each selected bitmap in a frame buffer.
Expore Map Directory: Opens an explorer window of the bitmap directory for each selected bitmap.
Print Map Dependents: Prints a list of all objects using the selected bitmaps.
Reset Unwrap Modifier Textures: Removes all unwrap modifier textures. Sometimes bitmaps can get “stuck” in the unwrap modifier causing a false dependency warning.
Maps # Nodes # (label): Displays the total number of unique paths found. Also shows the total bitmap nodes found.
Bitmap List (listview): Displays the filenames of the current bitmaps. Length refers to the absolute path of the bitmap, NOT the relative path. Filenames in red are missing files. Filenames in yellow have an absolute path length greater than 255 characters.
Select All: Selects all maps in the bitmap list.
Invert Selection: Reverses the current bitmap list selection.
Select None: Deselects all maps in the bitmap list.
Update: Updates the bitmap list.
Status: The status of the script.